Last night when I left school I didn't feel like going home. I was ok but I was suddenly very lonely. So, I called my mom and asked if I could come for dinner and to spend the night, haha. Of course, she said yes. So, I ran home first and then drove to my parents'. I had such a great rest. I had dinner with my family. We talked a lot and then I got to show my mom the video the kids made me. Then, my bro, sis and I all played forever on the internet with our new high speed internet that my dad finally gave in and bought. It was fun. Then, I pulled out my book and read for hours. I learned about all the terrible things that happened during the Cultural Revolution in China. I love it when a book teaches me but it's also interesting enough to be a story in itself.
I slept all night and today had a great day in church. I tried to talk more and people didn't ask me about school too much so I just relaxed. I had a new little girl in my Sabbath school class. She drove me nuts, but obviously needs attention. My kids are so funny. Now there are three of them, ages, 5, 6 and 7. We were learning about Creation and I asked them what their favorite animal was that God created. Duane immediately goes, "Weelllllll....I favorite animal is....*dramatic pause, then a giggle* a water buffalo!!!" Instant giggles by the two girl (5 and 6) as Duane launches into the Veggie Tales "Everybody's got a water buffalo! Yours is fast but mine is slow..." The girls giggle so hard and I manage to distract them by asking what their favorite animal is...YoYo (Johanna), with a serious face, says, "My favorite animal is...*thoughtful pause...that quickly turns into a sly smile* a.....WATER BUFFALO!!" And, of course, they all break into giggles. Oh man. They drive me nuts but they are so stinkin' funny. So cute. I just wish they could sit still.
Margie and I hung out and watched a movie. Good times.
Coming home is always sad though. I hate it. Even with all the bad parts of the week I sometimes have, that is always the worst. Tonight I tried to just ignore the sadness. It pretty much worked. I guess I just wished I had someone to come home to. It doesn't even have to be a husband, just someone. Most people I know have someone to come home to. They either have a family, a spouse, or a roommate. I love my home. It's so cozy and I just love it. But it is very lonely sometimes. I realized today that changes have happened recently. I used to think all the time about boys, good or bad thoughts, but I haven't for a while now. I don't know when it stopped, but it has. It was so weird! I don't think about boys, I think about being lonely, and about how it'd be nice to have someone to come home to but a lot of the time it is because I just want company, not because I want some boy or other. Anyway, not really huge...but still...I found that significant. I was like, "Wow...I haven't thought boy-focused thoughts in...I dunno...a while." I think that is good. But, I still wish that I didn't have to come home to an empty house. I love my home and I wish there was somebody to share my cozy home, even if it was a roommate or two.
Reflection: Rested somewhat, still somewhat sick thinking about another week, but I've got all day tomorrow to plan, to relax a bit and to do my taxes...blech. G'night.

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
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