Today was great. The election went amazing, as usual, and I'll share more with you later about that. It was a very funny day in 3rd. We went to Italy (eh) and Thailand (interesting...Matt became King of Siam...which was very fun). I have some funny things to show from that but I guess that will have to be later too. 6th period really got into class today. We read MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech outloud. I made them stand up and read through while we processed. But we got to one point where the kids were so into it and it was so moving that I just let them keep going. It was awesome and very powerful and it led to a great discussion about the 14th amendment and Plessy and Brown. I was very happy that US History got so into the lesson. Then, 7th we had our Olympic Bid presentatios, which went swimmingly! Definite stories there. Afterschool I had a posse in my room hanging out, waiting for the yearbook lines to go down. We had great conversations and I felt affirmed even more, though nothing was said. I could feel the warmth of those students. It was great because they just came in and instead of standing and talking to me by the desks, they came over to me at my desk and pulled up a chair, one by one. Soon there were about 6 with chairs pulled up in a semi-circle around my desk. It was nice.
But, what I wanted to write about, what I'm reflecting on is something entirely different. I'm very concerned about my students and it is making me quite preoccupied. My students have drug problems and alcohol problems. Right now it's the drugs that concern me. I talked with some kids last week and they told me that they estimate 25% of the school does drugs. This week with presentations they were making references to drugs in Brazil's presentations and Jamaica's. Though neither was about drugs, it bothered me that my students knew how much drugs sell for in certain countries and that they were seriously talking about traveling to one after graduation.
The other reason this concerns me is the number of suspensions. A couple weeks ago one of my students was expelled for drug posession at school. Another was suspended for something I don't know. Another was suspended for alcohol posession. Then this week...there was a crackdown. Three students were suspended for activities that were turned in (and then found) on facebook and myspace. My students are righteously indignant. They are incredibly angry. They've been angry at the admin all year for various reasons, but it concerns me because it really is getting out of control. Yesterday one of my students was suspended for pics on facebook of him doing/with drugs...but I don't know any details. Over the last two days there has been endless hushed talk about these kids and what they did. They keep asking me about the rights of students in schools and "isn't that against their rights," "So, basically we have no rights?" All this stuff!!! The thing is, I want them to get caught because I don't want them doing those things! But what is happening instead is this undercover anger that I think is dangerous.
Prom is tomorrow night and they're so angry and convinced that the adults are out to get them. I'm worried about what's going to happen, especially since it's this big stink right before graduation.
Leave it to my students to take the politics of it into their own hands...I wish I could say I'm proud but I'm rather concerned. My kids created this site ( ...they are the officers and the best advice-givers, unfortunately. I just wish the advice wasn't being used for what it is. I know I'm overreacting, but to see the anger in them today was scary...and their determination to do what they want...
Reflection: I now kindof wish I didn't volunteer to chaperone Prom. I was so happy to see them today but tonight I'm just very worried and would rather just push it away and not think about it. I think I'm going to go talk to V next week. She's the absolutely amazing and very respected Health Teacher that the kids idolize. I need advice on how to deal with this drug issue. Because I'm young and they trust me, I hear a lot more than I want to know and I know I need to learn how to respond. Sometimes I do respond, but never very well. I need to keep their respect while being a guide...but I kindof think that no matter what, it's not going to change anything.

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
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- Today was great. The election went amazing, as usu...
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bleh, is it too much to ask that they use their rights responsibly if they expect to have any at all? to tote around the call to rights for the sake of illegal drug use, and to actually be *angry* about it, is appalling to me. but that's me, now a full-blown parent.
sam and i just had an interesting discussion on it -- he sides more with the students on the invasion of privacy issue. i see where he is coming from though. scare tactics and consequence-based teaching are not always the most effective way of curtailing the deeper issue -- in this case kids getting stupid cuz they feel they have no better option.
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