Well, I had my days off to grade, and believe me, I'm done grading...blech..too much. My students were happy to have me back, which was nice to know. I was bombarded in the hallways my bouncy students, excited to reveal to me the terrible details of the days with the sub. Man...I understand why usually teachers just give subs movies. I tried, I trusted and it blew up in my face and now my US History class is lost and frustrated and my Gov kids are a day behind. Howevever, the story is kinda funny. My kids are just too smart for their own good sometimes. Ah well. Here's what happened.
The sub absolutely adored my students, although she said they were a bit talkative at times. They did research on political leaders in Russia and were just supposed to give a 2 minute summary of the successes and failures of each leader from Lenin to Yeltsin. The sub wrote a plethora of notes on how wonderful the kids were and how much information they knew. Turns out they were not actually talking about the Russian leaders the whole time at all. They were ad-libbing details from "300" into their presentations and the sub was totally buying. Of course, all the kids got it, and were giggling uncontrollably. This went on for 4 periods...starting with 3rd and passed on by kids through 4th, 5th and 7th periods. The sub never got it because she thought all the "300" crap actually had to do with Gorbachev. She asked clarifying questions and only drew out their "300" mayhem, making it more entertaining. Man...those little turds. They openly admitted they were bad but also thought they were really funny. I kinda thought they were funny too, even though they did waste all that time. THey claim they still got the info they needed, they just entertained themselves in the process. They did somewhat feel bad, awfully enough they felt bad that now I'm behind since I just took time off to get ahead, not because of what they did to the sub...or only partially because of what they did to the sub. The nice thing--the sub was too clueless to realize that she was "being played."
Little stinkers. But, they were excited to see me, asked all sorts of questions why I was gone for so long, and begged me never to leave them with a sub again. I guess after all the drama they've put me through lately, at least they realize I'm better than the sub. Maybe they'll be nice for a while. It's one thing for them to say they want me back but it was nice to see their expressions in the hallways when they saw me, honestly excited to see me, waving through windows and doors while they were in other classes and flagging me down in the hallway. Makes me feel good, even if it was just because they wanted to tell me how crazy it was with the sub.
End of story.
Reflected: lots of stuff done. kids excited, which makes me feel better. Still anxious somewhat, still very tired....bedtime!

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
i love it. keep it comin... but sleep when you need to sleep... eat when you need to eat... and make time for yourself to do things just for you.
grace and peace.
ps you can set up the blog so it emails comments to you. i find it useful.
Oh man! You probably hate that your kids did that, but that was genius!
Hope all is well.
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