Well, the last two days have been good. Tuesday night was so good for me. I just went to sleep. I slept 9 hours!! It was wonderful. The next morning was a little rushed but it was all fine since i had had so much sleep! Yesterday went fairly well. This week has been nice because we're doing a Mock Trial in US (which means no prep time) and we watched a movie for Gov block periods (which means not much planning for Wed or Thurs!). It's been wonderful! Perfect timing, so that I can get caught up on grading (I got all caught up while they watched the movie today!!) and got my bearings on China. As of tonight, I have all of my China unit planned, no prep necessary for Gov really until a week from today! Yay!
My China unit is shaping up fairly well. Oddly enough, I now know a lot about China. I thought about blogging last night but I was having such a wonderful night, I just wanted to end it in tandem with everything else. Last night I wanted to tell everyone how much smarter I feel, haha. I stayed until 5 or so yesterday (we get out 12:40 on Wed) but it was great because it was gorgeous outside and I went and got Starbucks (which got me outside in the lovely weather, and gave me a boost to keep working) and then I got stuff done so quickly and got to go home! When I got home is another story. But basically, to end this part of the story, I got to relax for a long time but also had a lot of reading to do. Normally that is hard to do but China is so interesting and I know nothing about it so reading anything is like, I dunno, I'm a sponge. I just suck up the knowledge. I seriously read so much last night!! Whoohoo! I got tons accomplished and I enjoyed myself too! I layed on the couch, learned, and devoured half a bag of jelly beans! But when I got finished I just started thinking about how much I've learned this year. It is scary how much I learned. However, it is also super-cool because I know so much more than I did before and I feel like I understand the world better! Whohoo!
So, the other thing I did yesterday was see an apartment building I liked and start an hours-long search for new apartments, culminating with me doing probably a dumb thing, and placing a post on craigslist to see if anyone in the area was a non-drinking, non-smoking, Christian, reliable female who would be interested in rooming together beginning sometime this summer. I don't know why I did it but...anyway, I did. I've had 3 responses but now I don't know what to do. They didn't really tell me much about themselves and I'm wary to begin rooming with someone I don' t know...or anyone at all, since now I'm used to having my own space. However, coming home tonight it smelled so good outside...man, I love that smell. It is the smell that summer is coming...sweet, warm breezes with still a touch of cool...ah..lovely. I wanted to go wander around like I would do at Fox but here I can't do that. Too dangerous. I hate that...so maybe if I had a roommate they would take a walk with me...I just need to find the right one. Anyway, met another new teacher today that I've been wanting to meet for a while. He came to tell me that in a conversation about great teachers, my name came up from an aparently unlikely student, and that it received massive cheering from my students in the class. He just wanted to tell me and let me know that I must be doing something right. I've heard that a lot lately, so I guess I must be doing something right. Not everything, but good things. But yeah, I was happy that I got to meet him on such good terms. He and his wife seem like they could be potential friends.
Reflection: Good days. Finally been able to understand what a balanced life is like. Although this won't last forever, it is nice to feel a little bit of it and realize it's quite refreshing!

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
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