Triumph over the Russians!

By | 9:12 PM 1 comment
I know that title will sound awful when I complete my reflection...oh well. Today was an anxious day. I was anxious all morning. I was anxious because I had 4th and 5th periods today. There have been a few students in 4th period who have been disrespectful and uncooperative and it really makes it so that I get really anxious about having that class for an extended period of time. It's sad, but I can't help it. I feel sick. I actually talked to some other teachers about it and they said that happens to everyone, not just us newbies. So, I guess that's good...right? Blech.

The other reason I was nervous was because today was my big day. I have a student in my class who is 1) Incredibly educated--seriously, I know a lot of stuff but I'm pretty sure he knows more than me about the world 2) He is Russian whose grandpa knew both Brezhnev and Andropov. Today I had to teach the history of communism in Russia from Lenin blazing through until Gorbachev. I was so nervous that Nick was going to upstage me (as he had a pattern of doing at the beginning of the year). I read up all morning so that anything anyone asked I would be able to answer. Now, I'm not to shabby with my Russian History. I actually know quite a lot about this subject but Nick defninitely knows more. However!!!! (triumphant trumpets enter here) Nick made only 2 comments all day and instead, nodded through the whole thing!!! WHOOHOO!! I am triumphant! I have defeated the Russian! It went kindof like this.

Me: "If you want to go say hello to our buddy Lenin here, he'd love to see you, although I don't know if you want to see him. His body is preserved for your viewing pleasure in a lovely mausoleum along the Kremlin wall"
Nick: "Right, they wax him up every 18 months. Actually....*insert random Russian facts here*"
Me: "Right. *Insert very interesting and important information on Stalin*"
I see Nick's hand in the air and cringe inside.
Nick: "Actually, we need to remember that the real decision-making body in the Soviet Union was the General Secretariat, which you can think of as the HR--"
Me: Put down my clipboard, Hands on hips, shaking my head "Nick! You're stealing my lecture!"
Nick looks confused.
Me: "That was literally almost word for word what I was going to say next."
Class looks sheepish and sympathetically at me.
I show Nick my clipboard. He shrugs. "Continue on."
The rest of the lecture he just nodded emphatically and though I tread carefully, I aparently didn't mess up too much.

Day ends, Nick comes up to me and tells me he's got some mp3s for me. As he walks out I called him back and told him how much I appreciated the respect he showed me in class today by not trying to take over. I was surprised with his reaction. "Well B, I decided not to repay you for the sub." Apparently he hated the sub I had (even though she raved about how genius he was) and was glad I was back and because of that, he decided to pipe down a bit.

Anyway, as reflection...that makes me feel good. He didn't say, "Good job B" but I sortof feel that it was a backhand compliment and that is good to know coming from a student like him, who has given trouble to so many teachers in the past.

Further reflection: They act big and tough and smart. To a certain extent they are full of themselves, but...they are all still kids. I see it at random points and it sometimes shocks me. They are so confident and challenge teachers but...sometimes they are all looking at me when I'm talking to them or they say something and I see this look in their eyes...almost innocence...but more like youth...I see youth in their eyes and it is important to remember that. It really helps explain so many things...they're still just kids.


ryan said...

ahhh the smart ones. i have a few of those. blessings and curses all in one package.

you should know that you continue to amaze me with your courage... i learned on the ropes course that only those that are truly brave admit they are afraid.

and pretty much you're a genius. i often envy your knowledge of history and politics. i am a simpleton when it comes to them.

congrats on your victory. way to be Miss B!!