- last week I fell asleep twice after getting home--the sleeping was done on the floor, 2 nights in a row, in the form of a "nap" from which I awoke at 5:30 AM...argh
- My kids started their projects. They're amazing. I'll have to tell you about them. So far they're not going perfectly, but at least the kids are doing something.
- I traveled to Oregon in bad traffic, making it just in time to see Pirates 3 with Jo.
- Oregon was fun and tiring. We were all lazy. I loved seeing friends again, but I actually wasn't as social. I think my energy is shot from this year. It was weird.
- Nevertheless, I got to see tons of people! I had tea with Beka, Lindsey and Amy, went to a beautiful wedding (seriously, it was amazing...breathtaking church, very posh party, good food), danced myself silly with friends (I'm not kidding, I think we make parties more fun...the photographer asked Pat where he got us! haha!) and went home very happy, happier than I had been all weekend...but very sad that after having so much fun with friends, the night was over.
- After an incredibly long night of a game I didn't play and a few funny youtube videos and a whole bunch I couldn't see through the slits in the lids that were covering my eyes, we went to bed.
- I visited Cassie and Liz and actually had a really great end to my weekend. We talked, and went to Bald Peak for old times' s sake. We hiked and came back to their place for a relaxing hour or so by the pool enjoying the beautiful weather. I realized then that what I was missing was relaxation. I hadn't done anything all weekend, but I hadn't relaxed, so that made a perfect end.
Today was funny. (Very Brief intro: 3rd period's project is a mock election.) Today was the first day of events for the mock election. The media men were interviewing candidates in the conference room down the hall, Evan was interviewing candidates and PACs and then giggling (as much as an 18-year-old male can giggle) as he showed me the quotes he had gotten and how he was going to manipulate them (ah...the media...always out to get you), and The Olde English Party tried to get the FEC (me) to approve an attack ad where they had photo edited a picture of a Nazi soldier to look like the opposition party's VP! The NOWR (National Organization for Women's Rights) hosted a luncheon at which the candidates spoke (very nervously, but with the attention of their peers) and the "Oldies" plastered the room with a campaign poster "Can YOO HWANG loose?.....Hwang and Yoo 2007," to which I busted up laughing. But the funnier part came after school, when the National Burd Party asked if they could put some campaign materials up. They proceeded to completely cover 3 of my walls with their campaign posters. It seriously is hilarious. If I had the pictures here I would attach them. Maybe I will later. But seriously, there are so many of them that you can't even tell which ones are the Hwang and Yoo posters from earlier, they're lost in the "Felser Axell 2007" forest. I stayed after school until 5 having meaningful discussions with students. Hopefully Paul doesn't hate me anymore for my views on sports fans and I think we really had a good political discussion and I sort-of ended up counseling about students rights that have been violated within the school. I sure hope I don't end up losing my job. I feel like my room is bugged.
Ok, now I'm going to bed. I'll attach pics later.
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