So Sweet

By | 10:38 PM Leave a Comment
It smells so sweet outside. I love this time of year just because of how it smells! I want to go walk around and just smell the air. It is warm enough to walk at night...but there is this car at the top of the hill just sitting there and it kinda creeps me out.

I got very little done today. I cleaned some, but not enough. I did laundry, but not a lot. I did dishes, but didn't finish. I graded, but not a lot. I slept, but not for long. I think I spent most of the day wandering from one task to another. I didn't plan at all (but I guess I don't need to). I don't know if it is because I'm lazy or because I am still exhausted. It's like I have no will to do much except lay down. Once that pressure is gone, I don't function. Maybe that's why I am always so busy and stressing myself out, because if I don't...then I don't do anything.

I don't know.

My kids take their test tomorrow. I got an email today: "Hey Ms. Burdick. It's Meghan, Katie and Pria and we have a couple of questions for you...
1. How can we make it through two whole tests in one day?
2. What are the Chiapa's?
3. What did Glasnost really do in Russia anyway?
We are very stressed. =/

It was so cute. I emailed them back answering their questions and encouraging them that they'd do well.
1. You can make it by getting good sleep tonight, studying hard today, getting a good breakfast tomorrow morning, by staying calm, and by staying positive! You girls can do this! You're prepared!

I'm not really nervous about it, just nervous that I'm not going to get anything done tomorrow because there isn't the pressure anymore. I have huge piles of grading to do and I need to plan for US as far as I can, but job seriously never ends.

I think I need to pray for peace, for all of us. Lord, please be with my students tonight and tomorrow. Help them to have confidence and a clear mind. Give them peace as they sleep tonight, that they may be rested for tomorrow. Give them peace also when they wake up. Thank you for bringing us all to this place and please guide us all as we all need to stay focused to finish out this year.

Reflection: I still wish I could go for a walk.