
By | 11:41 PM 1 comment
I'm kindof afraid of going to Kathy and Pat's wedding. I'm so excited to see everyone but because of how raw I am, I always come away from those things sorrowful. I mean, I don't know how to explain it, but I guess I just hate change.


ryan said...

i think there are two kinds of "raw" that you mentioned and you must decide which one you will experience...

[1]the raw wound that causes you to stare in shock... doing nothing
[2]the raw wound that says "I'm hurt, fix me." and prompts you to action.

you can do something with your compassion... even if that is only praying. or you can do nothing and simply feel sad for yourself and others.

i think you have already decided on option [2] and are just figuring it out. you are gifted and blessed. may God give you confidence and provide you with practical ways to use your compassion and emotional sensitivity.

peace out my friend.