
By | 8:34 PM Leave a Comment
First of all, I would just like to start by saying, "Victory is mine!" I came home from work early, but with a splitting headache. I slept for a while and when I awoke I was incredibly unhappy. I have not slept in a flat bed since December (I might have been late November). My bed broke and since then I have either slept on the crooked bed (half on the floor, half still on the bed frame), on my couch, or on the floor. With my splitting headache, trying to sleep on a slanted bed was much more irritating. So, I grabbed my tools and I fixed my bed!!! Finally! I've had the tools since December. But anyway, I am feeling incredibly accomplished right now and very happy that I have a normal bed once again.

Ok, so today I took pics of my students and I would like to include them. First let me get to the projects. I have some time now and I would like to tell you all about them. I will get long-winded so brace yourselves.

In trying to figure out what to do with my ansy seniors in their last 3 1/2 weeks of their high school career I discovered that 1) They're lazy 2) They like to learn 3) They won't do work unless it is something they find value in 4) I'm tired of doing mega-research and delivering things to them. So, I talked to Rob...teacher of the year...and we came up with a plan to coax my students into performing these last 3 weeks. I had a project for them to do. It was on topics they like and intrigue them, but it requires lots of reading and preparation. I figured, since they didn't do the reading all year, there was no way they'd do it now. As a result, I presented to them an idea, and although they made fun of me, they tried to meet my expectations.

  • You will be excited to come to class these last 3 weeks
  • in 1 year, you will still remember this
  • it will exercise your brain
  • it will be meaningful
  • in class and out of class ownership
  • there will be homework
  • there will be depth and rigor
  • and actually, I can't remember the rest.
So...although I was nervous about it that they are in progress, they're not perfect...I think what they have done has massive potential and honestly...they're doing more work (even if it is less relevant work) than they would have been if we had just watched movies or done something of my choosing. It may not be as rigorous as I wanted, but they love it and they are learning.

So, I think I'll have to cover one class at a time. I'll start with my first class.
  • 3rd--created this massive mock election. It's incredible. With some modifications after this trial run, it will be quite impressive. The kids designed it all by themselves, I just fleshed out the requirements. There are 4 different kinds of roles: Media people (required 2 products a week, plus 1 interview), Candidates (2 parties, they write their platform, give 1 speech a week, participate in 2 debates, and any other media or interest group events...with the goal of getting elected), Party Leaders (write their party platform, work with the Candidate to make campaign materials. They plan and host the 2 debates, plan an election strategy for the classroom by taking polls and then write up an analysis paper of who would actually vote for their party in real life), and Interest Groups/PACs (they have to produce 1 issue ad per week, a voters pamphlet before the election, an interest group manifesto--basically their platform and an analysis of where their support would really come from in society at large--and they have to get themselves mentioned by the media or candidates at least once a week, the more they get noticed, the better their score). So far, it's pretty awesome. The media is interviewing and spinning quotes, the candidates have turned my classroom into a campaigning war-zone, and my interest groups have gone way beyond what their roles required. I told them that the more they get into their role, the better their grade will be and they are not disappointing me. I could talk about this forever.

Accomplishments so far for 3rd are as follows:
  • Hwang and Yoo were first on the campaign materials trail.
  • Felser and Axell showed up yesterday afternoon and asked if they could put some flyers up too...
  • It resulted in this...3 of my walls entirely covered with their gave me a headache today but I thought it was incredibly funny. It has accomplished a couple things 1) It has elevated the level of competition for the election 2) It got the kids excited and they are now more into the simulation 3) It is great advertising for AP Gov.
  • National Organization for Women's Rights hosted a luncheon
  • EARL (Environmental Agency of Radical Liberals...who also have a Facebook group, by the way) hosted Earth Day today. They had put together an awesome issue ad, which I hope I can have a copy of, using clips from old cartoons and an impressive brochure on environmental awareness. Seriously, they went above and beyond expectations and they're not done yet!
  • The PRC (People's Rights Coalition) are increasingly impressing me with how much they're getting into their Interest Group role. These 3 boys have been somewhat slacker-ish all year but are totally pouring energy into their PAC. They are anti-gun control and pro-marijuana legalization. They put together a well-researched press release.
  • The media released newspaper articles and a video commentary on the election today, very funny.
So...anyway, my classroom was incredibly decorated today and distracting. My other classes did amazing things today too but that will have to wait for later!