At School

By | 9:17 AM 3 comments
Well, I'm at school. I really don't want to work. I'm tired and I'm grumpy. I have to teach in 5 minutes....I think teachers should get "grumpy days" where we don't have to come to school. When a teacher is grumpy it isn't fun for anyone. I've been trying to get myself in a better attitude all morning but it's just not working. Maybe the kids will cheer me up. We'll see...I've been praying that God would help me see clearly what my role is here and to show love to his people...but it's not working.



Anonymous said...

*blogger hug*


ryan said...

i think all you need to do is look at the cool polkadot pattern on your blog and then you won't be grumpy any more...

Ginny said...

That's very true...I should have looked at the polkadots.