So, it is Friday afternoon. Kids took a test in my room after school. Now they are gone.
Today was my last day of content for the AP know what that means? Do you know how that feels?
This week was pretty sucky. It is 3:19 Friday afternoon. The only thing I've had to eat since Wednesday night was a half of a tuna sandwich yesterday for lunch and some mini-donuts this morning. I'm not proud of that. But it illustrates my week. I've been running a mile a minute all week. Every time I got ahead or comfortable, something happened. Network down, irritating people, BUREAUCRACY!!!!
One short story: Scrambling all week (literally, my feet hurt). Wednesday afternoon, major discovery that could save my day/life! We have a CD that has premade powerpoints for the content from the textbook for US History. Not very interesting, but it is something premade for me to do since I had NOTHING to go from. I try to install. Needs 3MB virtual memory. Call IT. They come and fix that on my laptop. 15 mintues later he comes back and says that he has to change it back because it is not a district-supported program (all it does is run powerpoints on a computer that might not have powerpoint installed). ---Just a second---gonna get some food. ---- Ok. So. He thinks its dumb he has to take it off. I do too. He uninstalls the program and then uninstalls the virtual memory. So then he brings me a (large) student computer to see if we can just install it on that but you can't put hte virtual memory higher than 2 on that computer. So...whatever. I can't use it. Big deal. I'll just scramble more. Wednesday afternoons we don't have school. I go to use my laptop, in the process of the installation and deinstallation something went wrong now I couldn't access anything, printers or internet. Argh. So my Wednesday afternoon, when I had planned to get to the place where I don't have to scramble, is messed up. I go home and work on my personal computer and go to my parents house so that I will stay awake (since I had to go home instead of stay at school) and so that I get food (no time to shop for groceries and no more portable food, which is why luches have been sparse this week). So, I eat and get a lot done. Thursday computer still does'nt work...they try to fix it all day. I tell my curriculum chair about the issue with the program to see if he can get it district-approved. Then I run around like crazy getting things ready without my computer. Day actually goes well (Wednesday was a disaster). End of day, I read my emails now that my computer is fixed. Oh my goodness...apparently while my laptop was inoperable there was a huge email exchange about my situation. My curriculum chairs asked the district and cc'd the principal about the software issue, making it a bigger deal than it is. The result, I get emailed by 4 different district-heads about my computer issue asking if I need help with my computer problem. That just pissed me off. Seriously...what it looked like to the district was that I was a whiner with computer problems. My principal was told and she asked the head IT lady to help me with my "problems" when in reality, the only problem I had was that I couldn't use a certain program and in the mess of it, something got deleted from my computer but they were fixing it. ANYWAY, i know that all probably doesn't make sense but I was so irritated that it looked like I was having these huge issues when in reality it was my curriculum coach who made a big deal about it. One curriculum chair even came to the school today to help me--which irritated me because I already told him it wasn't a big deal and he wanted to help me and I just wanted him to leave alone so I could finish planning my lesson for today (I went home last night and took a "nap" that lasted from when I got home at 8 until 6:10 this morning)!!! ARGH! I managed to get done the second before they entered and 6th period I did improv with one of those pre-built PPts (which I installed on my home computer, copied the parts I wanted and emailed to my school computer...heh heh).
Wow...that was a long short story.
Despite how crappy this week was the last day on Nigeria. I'm pleased with what they know about Nigeria even with only four days...and today was the last day. That's it. Monday is our test on Mexico and Nigeria. Then we have 3 days of review...and their AP tests are all day monday, the 7th.
I'm done. I made it. The year is not over and we will be doing more things after the AP test...but the pressure is gone. I don't have any more content to fit in. I can actually plan for US history now. There is no pressure!!!! You know what that means guys? Even though I still have a month and a half of school left....I MADE IT!!! I still have to come to work, but really, I made it!!!
Reflection: Phew

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
Blog Archive
- A Day to Do With As I Please...and Need
- Wow
- Bye Bye Boris
- A De-Coffeenated Day
- Such a Tragedy
- At School
- Jono's Wedding
- Pretty awful day but good end
- Wonderful Day
- Too many questions
- So many people
- So far so good
- Summer is a cumin' in
- Someday there will be time to think
- Getting Sick
- Worked hard...want to go to Evensong
congrats. you are awesome. aren't you glad you didn't give up. oh what... what is that I hear??? yep, you've attained ninja rank 12... by letting God develop endurance in your life. use your new ninja powers wisely.
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