So, today I was at school from 6:30 until 8:30. I had a lot to do. Kids taking tests, a post-conference with my principal (affirming that she thinks I'm good and I get to keep my job) and scrambling for a lesson. I seriously thought I wasn't going to make it through the day. I missed my coffee this morning because I was late. Then, I still didn't have a lesson plan and I thought and thought and researched and changed things all morning. Nothing. I went to proctor the second half of the WASL and, lo and behold, I came up with a pretty darn good lesson. In fact, I was quite impressed with myself. My curriculum coach was dumbfounded when I told him what I finally figured out (I had begged him for help earlier but he couldn't help much becuase I'm the only one who knows any of the content behind my curriculum, since it's so weird). Anyway, it didn't work as well as I wanted, but the lesson part was still good. Those darn kids are stressing me out. They don't read!!! ARGH!!! They need to read their homework!!! They won't pass the test without it!
I don't think a lot of the kids are going to pass...mostly because they still can't get the basics. They can discuss the countries, but their background knowledge is so weak. I couldn't believe how little they were able to give me today in terms of what Mexico's political institutions are (bicameral, President, etc...). I was so dissappointed in them. I lectured them (not the educational kind) and I think I shamed them a little bit. But seriously, it's 3 weeks from the test, we spend 4 days on Mexico...THEY CAN'T GET EVERYTHING JUST BY LISTENING IN CLASS (even WHEN they listen in class)!!!
Anyway, lesson actually went alright after we got past their lack of knowlege for the first part. It basically comes down to...class will be difficult until the test because they're such slackers. They'll all cram before the test and a few will scrape by with passing scores and the ones who do what they're supposed to may score well. WHATEVER.
My kids got back from Turkey. They have examples of illegitimate government actions. They got sick. I wanted to hear their stories...but I was a mean teacher and made them work. I'll probably ask tomorrow.
I have a class audit that I forgot to's due May 1...blech. Grades are due tomorrow too...double blech. Still am not positive what I'm doing tomorrow...but at least I have an idea...sortof. I used a blow dryer for really the first time tonight. It was ok.
Reflection: Glad things worked out today, with everything that was going on, and without coffee. Irritated at how my students blow my class off. I sure hope they're studying more than I think they are...or at some point they're planning they can actually learn what they were supposed to have learned...argh.

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
Blog Archive
- A Day to Do With As I Please...and Need
- Wow
- Bye Bye Boris
- A De-Coffeenated Day
- Such a Tragedy
- At School
- Jono's Wedding
- Pretty awful day but good end
- Wonderful Day
- Too many questions
- So many people
- So far so good
- Summer is a cumin' in
- Someday there will be time to think
- Getting Sick
- Worked hard...want to go to Evensong
i think i actually feel bad for your students. it sounds like korea, where all they do is study study study. i ask the kids what they did on the weekend and they say "my mom made me study, i didn't even go outside".
man, when i was in high school, i don't think i even spent one weekend studying. classes were easy, and i'm fairly certain i managed to get through four high school years without learning anything too important... sparing myself from the pain of knowledge. ignorance is bliss, eh?
anywayz, don't be too hard on yourself. pretty much i think you are making sure all of these kids will eventually become the power players in our world.
peace out.
it's disappointing that the kids are slacking on reading their homework material, but ultimately it's still their responsibility. not yours. anyway, i know you know that so the real reason why i'm posting a comment is because i thought it was funny that you casually slipped in the last statement about using a blow dryer. what'd you use a blow dryer for?
I know, I feel bad for them too. I really feel bad, but sometimes they're not doing things just because they think they can get by slacking. I love them to death but...I dunno. Yeah, I used a blow dryer because I cut my hair and it is "styled" so it looks awful without some shape to it. But, I'm pretty darn terrible at manipulating a blow dryer so I never use them. But, now I kinda need to so I bought a cheater blow dryer, haha! It looks like a curling iron but it blows your hair and you brush it at the same time. I love it. It took a while but at least this I can manipulate because the blow dryer and the brush are all together!
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