In other news, I don't think I'll be writing a lot between now and May 7. I had a great weekend in California. It was so good to see everyone. It was very tiring. I left after work Friday and had a redeye flight and had a morning flight out Sunday. I worked the entire time on the plane and then collapsed when I got home for an hour, before working more. That AP test is gonna kill me. Plus, it was my own fault to go away for the weekend. But, all is ok I think. The kids don't have the knowledge they should have...that makes me sad, but part of it comes because they don't do their readings or they don't try to really learn from them until they cram from the test...anyway, the essay worries me. Oh well. But when I try to plan units I have such a hard time trying to do test-prep (like practice essay questions) because I doubt they have the knowledge to answer them...that's a bad sign. If they only remembered what they read...
Anyway, Jono is married. That's quite odd. His wife seems quite amazing. He's a lucky guy. It made me happy to see how softened he is with her. They're going to last. I can tell. It was happy but it was sad too, because Jono is the first one of our childhood group of Conference friends to get married. The first one of the group who hung out when we were 12 and 13...all kids flirting and being silly.
Oh yeah, I found out tonight that Amy (other best friend) is engaged, lol. So, I guess Jono's wedding was just preparing me for Amy's. She'll be old-friend-group #2. Anyway, that's weird too, especially since they've only been dating since September. I guess when you know, you know.
Reflection: I am tired. I was at work this morning at 5:40 and I left at 9:15. I lectured the entire 50 minutes. It wasn't too bad actually, and I know my stuff (which is good since I just learned it this weekend). I just have to make it through the week. That's it. Next week should require less planning. Man...I still have tons of grading...argh. I'm happy for Jono and happy for Amy and ready to go to bed. Oh, and I'm sad for Boris.

first, that is one of the funniest photos i've seen.
second, well, i don't know, but just a second... (ha ha, wasn't that clever)...
second, good for you for going to the wedding.
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