Most Content

By | 6:55 PM 2 comments
This weekend I traveled down to Oregon to visit friends. It was Lindsey Walker's BD and we did lots of fun things. We went Irish dancing, which was crazy, but awesome, and hung out with friends.

Last night we watched a movie called The Namesake. In it there is a scene where this mother is mourning the loss of a loved one and her friend tells her that to find healing she should think of when she was most content and find peace there. The woman thinks for a moment and her whole body seems to react to the peace she finds there. At that moment, I too began to think...when was I the most content? After the movie finished Lindsey asked that question and we all began to think about when we were the most content. The rest of the night I just kept thinking of more and more times, and more and more memories came flooding back. It was so wonderful! I have had such a beautiful life! I was so thankful that I have had so many content times. At first, it was hard. I wasn't sure if I had ever been content...the woman said content, not overly happy, just content. However, throughout the night I just kept thinking of more and more and Beka, Lindsey and I just shared all these memories of content times.

So tonight when I got home I thought, I should write these down because many of them I hadn't thought of in years. Plus, I tend to write on here when I reflect on difficult things. It's about time I reflected on and shared some happy things.

The following is a list of the moments that came to mind when I thought of when I was most content. Content here means that I wanted for nothing, had no cares.

  • On the Dingle Peninsula I forgot my camera and had to run all the way back to get it while my classmates played on the cliffs. I was irritated and exhausted, but after I had made it back to where my camera was and started walking back towards the bus, I gave up on running and just walked. I can't tell you how content I was in those moments. It was just me and the cliffs and the crystal blue sky and the white, fluffy clouds, and the rippling waves and the wind dancing and swirling...oh....I was alone. It was like all my cares had fallen away. I've thought of the contentment I felt in that moment and frequently yearned to just go to Ireland and get a cottage on the cliffs and write. I'm pretty sure why I've wanted to do that is because of the contentment I felt in that moment.
  • Riding with Jon in his plane over the ocean
  • Nebraska Sunsets
    • Swinging with my grandpa and watching the sun set over the field beside my house. We swung slowly and were practically enveloped by the oranges and reds.
    • walking with Aaron one night while our parents were in Bible study along the road in the country, watching the grasses in the fields wave back and forth, enjoying the warm breeze and the lovely sunset. No talking, just walking. Ah, contentment.
    • Vesper hill. Friday at camp we take a hay ride up to Vesper hill. You have to climb up a larger hill and then walk across a small land bride to this tiny hill in the middle of a semi-bowl shape created by the hills around behind it. We would sit on that hill and watch the sun set while having a Vespers service to welcome the Sabbath. We were so silent because the beauty of it was so overwhelming. The sunset was always so brilliant that it turned the grasses and the hay the colors of the sunset, as if they reflected the purples and yellows. It was better than the Imax theatre because all there was all the way around us was a brilliant sky, the waving hills and the dancing grasses.
  • Naming all the stars in the sky
  • Watching the ocean at the Oregon coast while sitting on a large rock outcropping that we had to wade across to get to
  • Coffee with Kathy before Chapel junior year
  • Car chats with Camille until 3 AM
  • Harmonizing to Lollipop, Lollipop in Amy's bathroom with Amy, Balie and Julie when we were 8 years old.
  • Discovering and claiming a sand dune in the North Loup River and naming it "Gins-a-bales-a-jules-an-ames-a" Island
and there were more...but I can't think of them at this moment. Oh!

  • tree fort with Mack when we were pirates
Reflection: I have so many good memories. Even when I get sad thinking of how things change and the emotional times I've gone through, I love that I can find content times all the way through and appreciate those times along with the tough ones.


Anonymous said... feels like that was a lifetime ago.

Anonymous said...

you know, i just realized that the most content era of my life has been now with thomas and sam and our parents. i think the peace that goes along with contentment is what i was searching for in college.