A Love/Hate Relationship

By | 9:44 PM 2 comments
That is how I describe my feelings for Parent Night. Parent night is so stressful. First of all, it messes up your whole week because you have to try get everything planned around Parent Night and then add on that extra workload. Plus, Parent Night is distracting. The parents try to nab you unawares so a lot of us wander around (if we stay in our classroom, we get nabbed by parents wanting a play by play of their child's achievements...It's the third week of school...I don't have a play by play yet). You're at school from 6:30 to around 9:30 PM...blech.

So, since I was at school so late last night too, I wasn't about to spend another 15 hours uncomfortably. The parents intimidate me so I dress up (mostly to give me more confidence, and so that when they show up to my class they aren't wondering why a high-schooler is teaching their high-schooler). But today, I decided that if I had to be at school for that long, I was going to be comfy. So I brought my slippers.

Today in my freshmen classes I slipped of my heels and wore my red furry slippers. The kids apparently got a kick out of it because tonight I had a couple parents walk up to me afterwards to introduce themselves and say, "Hello! You must be the teacher who wears the slippers!" I was shocked. One day and already I have a reputation for being "that slipper teacher." Sheesh...just what I wanted. But, they were laughing and said that their son or daughter had come home and was telling them that they'll really like me, I even wore slippers in class today because if I had to be there late, I might as well be comfortable. It really reminded me how students do talk about us at home...freaky.

Another funny story from parent night: Tonight before 2nd period started, I heard, off to my left, "She just loves this class. She thinks Ms. Burdick is just amazing." I smiled to myself but, thinking it was a private conversation, pretended like I didn't hear. But then, the parent said, "Hmm...she didn't hear me. I'll have to say it again. She really loves this class. It's her favorite class!" In that instant, I realized that kids get their brown-nosing from somewhere....their parents!

I stressed some parents out. They were glassy-eyed...which sortof unnerved me. My AP parents are intimidating, because if they're kids are that smart, chances are their parents are intelligent as well. Some of the parents had horror-struck faces. I don't know what I said...but it unnerved me. Afterwards a few came up to me: "Rachel is taking 5 AP classes and the homework load is just so much. How long should homework be taking her and is there any way that it will lessen...because with 5 classes...how is she supposed to keep up with that work?" I felt like asking, "Why did she decide to take 5 APs?" or saying, "Well, she chose to take an AP class and so she also chose to take the AP courseload..." Instead I said, "She should be spending at least a half an hour a night reading for this class. If it is taking her longer or if she would just like to learn some reading strategies to help make that load easier to manage, have her set up a tutorial and I can work with her to make the best use of her time reading."

It's 10:00 PM and I still have work to do so I'm going to do it.

Reflection: Today went ok...but I'm still behind. I just have to make it through tomorrow and I'll be able to get caught up...I hope...the weekend is looking so good to me right now.


Anonymous said...

i have nothing useful to say except, lol. i would've done and felt everything you just said if i were under the same circumstances. but, the more i see "overachieving for the sake of overachieving," there is always going to be something inside me that will rebel against it. not that i think your students or their parents are bad, undeserving people. in fact, quite the opposite. i'm rambling -- i like talking about this stuff, and maybe you do too. let's talk about it more. i'll keep in touch eleswhere. what i really wanted to say was,

i'm proud of you and your furry slippers. :)


ryan said...

somehow your entire parent night experience somehow reminds me of a number of scenes from pride and prejudice (which i finished reading and can now criticize or praise with authority).