It is Hot!!!

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I think I have a lot of things to say but I don't know where to start.

Last week I felt bad for my dad and I agreed to help out with camp (it's a good thing I did too, because it was like...the day before camp was to start...). I love camp but things just aren't perfect. They don't need me as a full-time counselor so I travel out there twice a day--morning for outdoor recreation and evening for drama. Just helping with camp has filled up my days. I have to plan games, I had to find good skits, plan a day 1 lesson and then try to fit kids to parts (that took forever), find costumes and props, drive out, run errands for my dad when he realizes he's forgotten something (which usually means I have to go back to Auburn too...)...anyway, it makes for a day of running back and forth and in this's pretty exhausting.

The other thing it does is make me concerned about camp. I am not there consistently so I'm not bonding with the kids and when I visit and look around I just wish I could stay to bond with those kids because it really looks like this camp is magic-less. It isn't usually...but I dunno. The 4 regular staff that are there (besides the 2 directors) just are...I dunno...there. Every time I'm there they are on the couches relaxing or reading or nowhere in sight. It's like...they help out in class time and then they disappear. I've counseled camps since I was 13 and gone through a lot of training with them too...and I just don't think this SCSC team they sent us this time has much of a clue. I could rant more about this...but anyway, suffice it to say that I'm concerned that the kids are not bonding with the staff and I don't see much even prompting them to really think about the message of salvation...It's like, class time and then the kids are just all on their own, not much additional staff interaction...

So, as I was running around today I was concerned about that. So, in the little bits between the running, I've added other things.

I'm trying to buy a digital camera between runs to and from camp. I researched thoroughly all weekend and then today I put on some non-shabby clothes and went to Fry's to try them out. I affirmed something--I am seriously the most indecisive person I know. Anyone who has had to deal with me making a big decision (or even a relatively big decision) knows I can't make choices so this job of buying a digital camera is going to kill me. Anyway, Fry's didn't help much...only made me less decisive. It's coming down to the wire to get one before Conference so I need to decide soon and tomorrow isn't looking good for any extra time.

Conference is coming up. I still have things to do...that I was supposed to do today but it makes me tired just thinking about it.

I haven't been sleeping. Saturday night I was up all night...because I couldn't sleep and then because I was reading and lost track of time (but I finished the book!). Sunday and last night I only got a few hours...I don't know why I can't sleep. I think I'm restless...too many concerns running around up there.

The Weather/Summer
All I wanted to do when school got out was relax...hasn't happened much. However, today the heat combined with my lack of sleep and the daunting chores to do to get that camera and do my conference stuff made me drop everything and go to the pool . Haha, as I said's hot. I heard on the radio that tomorrow it is supposed to be 97 degrees!! I layed by the pool sleeping, and reading sporadically and jumping in and swimming laps when I overheated. It was nice...I wish I could do that all day. My perfect week would be getting up late and making breakfast, grabbing a book and a smoothie and going to the pool to read all day by the pool and swim and then come home in the evening, make dinner and read all night.

Reflection: I wish I didn't commit to so many things...or that I wouldn't feel guilty when I say no...or that our church would have more people able to help so that I could say no without feeling guilty. I wish also that my dad didn't have to do so much himself...I bet he'd like a week to sleep in all day too.