Big Thanks to the Big Guy

By | 8:56 PM Leave a Comment
Well, I have figured out what to do about the impeachment, have figured out how to make 5th period's food policy bill go into limited effect and thereby save me from 1) the management disaster of having all 4 of my classes able to eat food and 2)having to look like a killjoy. It will also give me a stellar intro into the next unit. I'll post my presidential signing statement if I am forced to use it.

And, the biggest reason I decided to update two days in a row is because today I remembered once again that God's got my back. When I got to school this morning, starting to think about all that I was going to have to deal with...I had an incredibly wonderful email from a student I graduated two years ago. And then, they kept coming! I got another one from another student at lunch and I got a third one just now! As I'm ready to do my devotions and head to bed I am reminded about how well my Father takes care of me. Right when I need encouragement, even over something silly, He sends it. Each of the kids wrote nice long updates about what they're up to, told wonderful stories of how they've used what they learned in the class, and were genuinely interested in things about my life that I had shared with them when they were in my class.

So God, this is my formal thank you, for taking care of me.