
By | 12:49 PM 4 comments
Well, I almost got impeached by the House of Representatives this morning. It was a rough day. They read an 8 page bill that included 3 articles for impeachment this morning on the floor. Then Mr. Lang came and gave expert witness that I was a known communist because of my association with the Newport Social Studies Department. The kids presented evidence that they had found a communist flag in my car (which is funny because I do have one in my closet...just not in my car) and that I was a card-carrying communist (photo shop...although I was NOT born in 1976...). It was pretty funny. I laughed a lot at the beginning and I laughed at their evidence, but after hearing 8 ungrateful pages of why I should be impeached I was only intermittently laughing because I was trying to be a good sport. I know they were kidding for some of the things they said, but kids aren't that good at realizing when it might be going too far. They realized it while it was being read out loud on the floor though, because it got pretty tense in the room.

Anyway, i just spent half of my lunch helping 5th period figure out how to get around my veto and agreeing that I would sign their food policy into law only if they made it relevant to their class only (using my presidential signing statement and powers of persuasion)....gee, 3rd period, that sure shows "frustrating the passage of laws and interfering with committees." Anyway, I talked with my colleagues at lunch about what to do about it. I really have no idea what is involved in the process specific to each house and I thought maybe I'd let them carry it out. But, I'm not now because it's too complicated and it will take time away from actual passage of legislation.

In the end...I want to be a sport about it, but honestly, I think my feelings are a little hurt because it embarrassed me. I know, from my colleages, that wasn't what they were intending, but even when you don't intend to hurt people's feelings, it sometimes happens.

ANYWAY, i did think it was funny that I finally had a class get smart enough and realize that if they want to keep me from vetoing legsilation they have to impeach me. And, I'm proud that a House of Representatives finally figured out how to make their simulation intersting (because the Senate is the one with all the fun powers). But, yeah...I guess...I didn't realize until I started sharing it that my feelings are hurt.


Unknown said...

To getting your feelings hurt:

To having a mostly-awesome, super smart class:

Ginny said...

Yeah, i think I'm just moody, which is why my feelings got hurt. But, I got a peach italian soda on the way home and now I feel better! :-)

Unknown said...

to me it sounds like a normal presidential response to the possibility of impeachment.

aw, i get that it's hurtful in some way. hang in there! have as many italian sodas as you need.

ryan said...

i say you declare martial law and send them all to re-education camps.

once again, i must say, it sounds like you are one awesome teacher... i definitely never learned any of that stuff in school. i mean, i thought all presidents liked peaches. especially with ice-cream.