Ok, so I have all sorts of things to write about my summer but I just don't want to. Suffice it to say this has been the best summer I've had in a VERY long time. Friends galore, joy continuing!!
But, unfortunately, school must start. I went to school today to try to start working, though I really didn't want to. Just like last year, I miscalculated and forgot about Orientation. I am SO not going into that building while it's flooded with crazy, squealing teenagers. Squealing because they're happy to see friends. Squealing because they're in love with that new top Jessica is wearing. Squealing because they're in the same class with that cute boy. Squealing because they're seniors. Squealing because they're not freshmen anymore. If I were to show up, there'd be squealing because I was there...gosh...can't have any of that, no thank you. So, I went home and am attempting to do what I can from here--which is not much.
***Disclaimer***I fully realize that high school boys do not squeal. However, on Orientation day it doesn't really matter because you can't hear the boys anyway. Their noise is drowned in the overwhelming sea of high school girlishness.
ANYWAY, the reason I'm finally writing something is because while I was going through my files I came across these exerpts from my student's papers. I always like it when Ryan puts excerpts from his kids' work. I had meant to put these on but many things took precedance.
The following excerpts are from a lesson I did on the fall of Rome in my Freshmen World History class. Though Rome and Han are incredibly interesting empires, they are so huge and so significant that it is difficult to deal with in the time we have. It is also at the end of the semester, when my freshmen have gained the confidence they need to transform from timid, respectful little angels into "high schoolers." With the Freshmen, if you want anything to be meaningful to them, you have to put it into the high school world. One of the awesomest things I learned when I was studying Rome and Han are that their falls are totally predictable. You can see them coming!! They were headed for a breakup. Oh yes, that day in my class we talked about breakups. We talked about the warning signs that show that two of your friends are headed for a breakup. The kids couldn't stop shouting out warnings signs: yes, they were experts on relationships. Then, I transitioned them into now looking at the Roman empire. "Let's say that the Roman Empire is that relationship...what are the warning signs that it's headed for a breakup." It was great because there was absolute silence for 2 or 3 seconds (the whole time I'm holding my breath...praying that this will work and they will come up with something) and then hands went up all over the room! It was incredible. These kids were analytical scholars! Seriously...I was jumping all over the place, "Yes!" "Absolutely!" "Wow...you're right!"
After the brainstorming of the warning signs, then I asked the kids to write a note (you know, like the kind they pass all the time during class) to their friend, Rome, to give advice about the warning signs they see. That was the tricky part, because now they have to think what to do, or what could be done...if anything could be done.
Here are the excerpts, taken exactly from the originals:
Hey Rome, you should stop being so violent towards everyone else and being so power hungry. Your taxes are way too heavey and starting war with neighbors is totally uncool yo.
Hey Rome, you’re in deep trouble. People are getting ticked and your going to have a rebellion on your hands if you’re not careful. You must lower taxes and provide the lower classes and do whatever you can to make them happy.
Rome, I’m afraid you may be headed towards a breakup if you keep doing the things you are doing. You need to get all of this fighting under control and make society more equal. The rich are getting all of the benefits and the commoners have nothing. Right now, you’re stretched too thin. Maybe if you compromise and relinquish rule over some of your distant lands, you can stop the breakup.
:-) I have smart kids.
Hopefully I will have more smart kids this year. :)

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
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