It is 10:46 and I can go to bed!!!! YAY!!!! I leave for Nebraska and Amy's wedding tomorrow. It's kinda weird. Amy was my first friend and now she's getting married. I really like her fiance though, so that's good. Still, I'm headed back to my first home town and that will be strange. Little North Loup, 400 people (or probably less now). I'm so excited to see Amy and I'm really excited to see the town again.
It's been a hell of a two weeks. I can say that because it really has been. It is the first time I'm going to go to bed before 2 AM in two weeks!!! Yay!
My lessons are almost ready for when I'm going to be gone and I think the work has paid off. I've worked way too much, but I'm pretty confident that the changes I've made will be the kind that will keep being good for a couple years.
My kids are pains, but I guess that's normal. They're really rude right now, but at least they've been nominally paying attention, which is better than sometimes. Actually, they're ok. They aren't horribly helpful and they've been really slacking off (which makes my life harder in planning and in grading, since they send me massive amounts of late work...which is not what late credit is for, by the way. It's for a fall-back if you screwed up a few times, not for you to just slack off and send all your work to me en-masse....argh!!!) and they've been demanding about me getting grades back to them (which is somewhat justifiable, but not when they keep emailing me half their work and I have to go back and put it in when I've already finished grading that assignment, and when I'm staying up until 2 AM to put something together that will be meaningful...).
Reflection: Overall, I've been much better pleased with my lessons over the last few weeks and really, my kids are just being second semester seniors who have had almost a year of AP classes behind them and are heading into the "less than two months before AP test" brain numbing process. Hmmm...I think there is a correlation between good lessons and getting a lot less sleep...darn it.
See you when I get back from Nebraska! Pray that my kids do what they're supposed to and that my substitute sticks to the lesson plan!

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Bonjour & Welcome
About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
awesome! good to hear you've got some sleep and fun ahead of you.
i feel you on the rude non-listening kids thing. but what can you do if they refuse to focus and learn? i've had to go to the "sticker" system... which i'm not particularly fond of... but it works.
of course, mine are little kids so they've got some excuse... oh yeah, and english isn't their first language... but still (as my student miriam says all the time).
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