
By | 7:17 AM 2 comments
So yesterday after school I found something from my brilliant students. It was a two page doucment on the scheduled meetings and activities involved in the senior prank. Seriously, everything was there. Meeting, money generation, planned dates and possible pranks. I was thinking, ah...yes, my brilliant students. I thought our kids were supposed to be smart but apparently not smart enough if they leave their whole spread-sheeted plan out to be found.

Anyway, here is the first of the Senior pranks! It's hilarious if you know craigslist and know how people are always trying to buy up real estate to send their kids to our school.

For your viewing pleasure


Unknown said...

Nice! I'm guessing the phone number is to the school's front desk?

A massage chair, huh? I might have to find me one of those...

ryan said...

that's brilliant. also... did you ever consider that the "plan" is a fake and you were meant to find it???

hmmm... maybe they're not that smart... but who knows...