Above: After I messed up...again!!
Ahh...the adventures one can have after the AP test is finished. My kids have been working on final projects and so last week I was inspired. I love making movies and editing things together and my brain was churning with the possibilities. So, Thursday night I stayed up until 2AM and after then and yesterday, I came up with this. I'm so proud of myself. The kids worked hard editing their news broadcasts but some of them left them only as special reports instead of a whole news show. So, I edited them together with my own additions, hehe. Take a look. It was too big so I just gave you a sample. Hehe. When the kids saw it today they freaked out. It was awesome. Bobby was assured that they were going to think I was ridiculous but instead, they freaked out and cheered and whooped. It was pretty great.
In other news, Sabbath I went whitewater rafting with a bunch of teachers. It was an amazing day. It didn't turn out as I would have liked it, but great nonetheless. I've been wanting to go whitewater rafting for years so this was my chance. I rode over to Leavenworth with Rob and Byron and we got there bright and early. Most of the teachers who went were the young ones so we had a great time. The rapids were awesome and I was right in the front so I was soaked the whole time...but I guess it was worth it since I was the one who always got to see the huge wall of water in front of me. Man...freaky but awesome. It was pretty fun because a bunch of social studies people came and we were all on different boats so we kept dumping water on each other, making it fun for everyone else. I wanted to go to get to know more people but the realization I had was that I just don't make friends that easily. I don't have anything to say, even if I start talking to someone. I was still the kid who was picked last in school things. Ah well, Margie said I probably made more progress than I realize. In any case, hopefully they realize I like to do more things than work now, even if I was quieter than I'd like. I really did feel uncool though. I'm just...I dunno, I'm just not like most of my colleagues. Ehh...anyway. Here we are! (there should be 5 pics)
The ride home was great. The three of us talked the whole way and I really do feel like I know Rob and Byron better and that they know me more, especially Byron. Rob has kindof been my mentor so I feel like he knows me better than anyone else at the school (including my roommate) but I didn't know Byron much at all. We had a good chat. We talked about traveling and now I want to travel to obscure places just because.
When I got home, Margie and I went to Kent Station, got a Dilettante Latte (amazing!), sat out in the lovely sunshine with jazz music playing and then went and saw a movie. It was a lovely summer evening... and a wonderful summer day.
My task today was to find a blue sundress for Beka's wedding. That was awful. First of all, blue is not in. Therefore, there are very few blue dresses available (try none) in the stores. Second, "blue sundress" is very vauge. Blue stripes? Blue paisley (which they do have a few of, but seriously, huge paisley looks good on very few people)? Solid blue? Blue floral (forget it, there are none)? Light blue? Dark blue? I don't want to be the only bridesmaid with a navy blue dress...talk about sticking out. But granted, this is all if I can find a blue dress. I thought, no biggie. I'll look online when I get home. No such luck. I found some, but they were either way too expensive or they're hideous. Plus, if you buy online then you can't try it on. Anyway, I'm stuck. I have 2 weeks to find a blue dress or I'm going to have to buy one in Ireland. That would suck.
Here is a link to my kids' videos. I will post a few that are pretty entertaining.
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