I always feel like writing on here when I'm at home. Unfortunately I have moved and still do not have internet connection.
Conference went well. It was one of the best Conferences in a while primarily because I didn't have to do anything and I wasn't overthinking everything. I just hungout with whoever was around and I had a blast.
Conference ended and I moved into an apartment in Bellevue. It is really nice. I'm surrounded by yuppies. It's kinda strange. I have vaulted ceilings and friendly neighbors my own age. It is an area where there are a lot of young professionals so I have high hopes for meeting new friends. Jessica and I get along really well. I really have enjoyed rooming with her so far. We like similar things, have similar style, and she is a fun, happy, Christian girl--which seems hard to come by around here. Her dog Mesa is a darling and we've bonded.
It feels strange to live in Bellevue. It is a city, and I'm 5 minutes from downtown (but luckily in a side area where there are lots of trees and you don't feel in the city--we have walking trails all over!) but I'm so far from friends and family. Well, ok...45 minutes. But still, it feels sortof awkward. It seems like I'm surrounded by the rich. It's not too awkward that I drive a Toyota and everyone around me drives one of "the bigs" (Mercedes, BMW, Lexus) and the people are nice and the area is nice, but I dunno. It's gorgeous, but sortof lonely. But, it is an opportunity to explore, which I did today. Hopefully I can explore more before school starts.
Overall, big changes in location. I'm a city girl now, I guess. However, the possibilities are positive and I'm so glad to not be alone anymore.
Right now I'm sitting in the Bellevue Regional library. Oh man, it's gorgeous. Huge, tons of books, surrounded by windows and free wireless internet...I'm in heaven.
More later when I have internet again.
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