
By | 10:05 PM 2 comments

Tonight I watched "The Devil Wears Prada."I looked at the clothes they wore and the makeup and I loved it! It was art. Color and combinations, shades and complements.

Inspired, I got up off the couch and went into the bathroom to experiment, as girls do every once in a while. I pulled everything out. Instead of doing what I had been told, I did what I would have done if I had been painting. I tried to paint myself to look like a model--to look like the girls in the movie. I swiped and covered-up and powdered and applied over and over, until the makeup looked better than I've ever done before. I was painting. My eyelashes were stiff by the end, but looked as close as I could get to being like the movie (I'd need fake eyelashes to look like them). I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked different.

In that moment, looking at myself in the mirror I saw beauty. I was beautiful.

I wanted to capture this! I wanted to capture this woman with piercing eyes and red lips, a woman who might be like any of the beauties I would see at the mall, walking with confidence and attracting attention.

I went into my room and added clothes from my recent spree. Decked out in Steve Madden heels, capris from The Limited, and a white collared shirt from Target, I grabbed my camera to capture this woman of mystery who would melt away before being seen in public.

I took picture after picture after picture.... None of them were good. It could be the lighting. It could be the self-portraiture. I stopped for a moment to look over the pictures to see if I could identify why they weren't turning out as beautiful as the person I saw in the mirror.

As the pictures flipped past I saw the same straight face, the same dull eyes, and the same disappointed look. I wasn't smiling in any of them. I took more, trying to smile--yet over and over again I came up with the same problem. I just couldn't smile. It was like something inside me knew I was a fraud. The more I took, the more pained my face became until the later photos just showed painted eyes and a cringing face. It was like inside I knew that I was a fake, that I couldn't be beautiful--that this wasn't me.

I finally quit and put the camera away and started thinking about it. It bothered me. Why couldn't I smile?! Why couldn't I be beautiful too--like those beautiful girls who walk around the mall with their perfectly touched-up skin and highlighted eyes? I was a painted lady.

"What is true beauty?" I didn't want to be so upset by that nagging thought that the pictures I was taking didn't turn out good because no matter what I saw in the mirror, I wasn't as beautiful as I thought. Instead I thought about the change a smile would make. A smile is beautiful. A flower is beautiful. Landscapes are beautiful. Families and laughter are beautiful. What about beautiful women? I want to be a beautiful woman and since I wasn't in those pictures I wondered what would make me beautiful. Instantly the Proverbs 31 wife came to mind--a woman of noble character, worth more than rubies. She works hard, is intelligent, compassionate, and thrifty.

I want to be that woman because that is beautiful.

Why do girls need so much to be/feel beautiful? After reading Captivating I understood the longings we females have for beauty and admiration. I wish I could say that I learned a huge lesson out of this, but I haven't. I still wish I could capture that mysterious woman I saw in the mirror.

But I also wish that I would learn to supplant that desire with the greater desire of being a beautiful Proverbs 31 woman.

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

29 "Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."

After all, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."


Unknown said...

The camera couldn't capture your beauty because cameras can't capture personality. You are SO beautiful! I've always thought so. Wow, what a great blog to start reading with. I'm glad I found this.

Anonymous said...

there have been many a time when i've gotten all glammed up and thought i looked particularly nice and omg, i could never look like that again, but dangit i can't capture it on film for the life of me! but when i tossed the camera aside and smiled at myself, i thought, "that's where the beauty is." you just can't capture it sometimes ... like joanna says it is in someone's personality, they're soul. like you can't take a picture of God's creation and it might still be beautiful, but it's not as beautiful as it makes you feel when you see it in person. the art that you see in the movie just shows that movie-makers know how to play with facades, perceptions, illusions, etc.

i think you are stunning.
