
By | 3:51 PM 4 comments
So I'm supposed to be grading. I am...but grading is best done with breaks inbetween. I am online on turnitin.com. Students have to log in with an email address and some of them are just making me smile. When I saw the first funny one I started paying attention. Here are a few I'd like to share with you. How creative we all get with our email addresses!

Reid - youareweird@....
Winston - riceninja@....
Kevin - alloftheabove@...
Anna - ifancyuX3
Youny - loonyuni
Jenny - hyper.howling.wolf (and let me tell you....she is!)
Nicole - foxylemur@....

I just am interested where Winston became the rice ninja and when Nicole decided that lemurs were foxy.


Unknown said...

Ha! That's awesome.

ryan said...

my yahoo email is "trukai_man", which in pidgin means "real food man".

funny kids. :)

hey, ginny... i posted a picture that reminded me of you.. i know it's spelled wrong, but it was a cool little clothing shop called "Jiny's Closet".

Lindsey said...

hyper.howling.wolf. ?! awesome

Ginny said...

:-) I saw that, Ryan! I thought it was fun!