Now, don't get me wrong. Part of me is stressed out about how long this strike could last. I just spent all last week trying to figure out how to fit all my curriculum into the 130 instructional days before the AP test (May 4th this year! Argh!). That stresses me out. HOWEVER, I spent all weekend reading. Why is reading such a big deal? Because I can lose myself in a book. This weekend, like the character I was reading about (Thursday Next series), I didn't just lose myself in a book, I dove into them for a purpose. Hers was to apprehend Acheron Hades. Mine was to avoid all thought of how my freedom was about to end for another 9 months. The result was that i didn't do the work that I should have, and I annoyed my little brother to death, even to the point of him hiding my book and pelting me with wadded up bits of dry leaves.
Once we got back into Auburn I was in quite a mess. My stomach was in knots. I was suffering from SIS (Stress Induced Sickness). Luckily, when I got home I checked all the websites and realized that Bellevue Schools are closed until further notice. PHEW!!
But now I'm crossing my fingers that this thing gets cleared up quickly. For those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile, you'll know about all the issues we've been having with district-mandated curriculum. I don't want to strike for a month! But, though I don't want to get into the union issues, one of my former students put it very aptly. He heard about the possible strike on the news and said, "

Anyway, I guess I'm on strike. As a long-time Republican who tends to think that unions cause more trouble than they help solve...I will be picketing at the school tomorrow from 7 until 5...weird.
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