Things found on test booklets of kids who are ready to be finished...

By | 7:08 PM 3 comments
Last week my students took their AP tests for my class. They both went fairly well. The kids came back freaked out about one test question, but that seems to be a pattern. Besides, these things aren't meant to be easy...just manageable. Anyway, the kids were all excited and when I got their essay test booklets back, I couldn't help but smile at some of the things I found. I have scanned them and am including them for your amusement.

Sadly enough, this was day 1 and they were already sick of testing!

A nice story from Sneha

Rachel's annotated drawing of our class. Can you guess where she and her friends sit? =-)

A note to let me know about the test.

This student is obsessed with Uganda...seriously. But, that's not a bad thing. Here is her travel list. She was voted 'most likely to save the world' by her classmates.

Alex's more brief summary of AP essay directions.

And then his illustration of an aspect of the test...which I laughed quite heartily when I saw.

Yikes! The test got to him...:-)

Crystal's daydream of being rescued from the clutches of AP ultimate favorite:
Ways in which the gym is like a prison.

For those uninformed of AP practice, the kids file in, pick up their materials, take the test in a regulated environment, file out for a 10 minute break, and then finish their test. They must remain in the room until the time is up, even if they are already finished with their test.

Now I present to you:


ryan said...

that was freakin awesome! my favorite has to be the analysis of the class with the honest notes "hair too long" "iphone" "smart"... etc.

also, those essay question directions are ridiculous... i nearly needed brain surgery after reading them and I didn't even take the test.

so cool. keep up the good work.

Ginny said...

I know! And "Hair too long" kid came to class today with his hair cut! It's awesome! He was totally animated today too, like his hair cut completely transformed him!

Unknown said...

lol... awesome! I'm with Ryan... the classroom analysis by the cultural anthropologists in the back row was enlightening, lovebirds and all. And I'm not surprised by the placement of the seat that "very smart" chose...