Looking for a Bold Conservative

By | 9:03 PM 1 comment
My students are flocking to Obama's charismatic fold tomorrow. He is coming to mesmerize my young students into caucusing for him tomorrow. He, of course, focuses on the easily manipulated youth, lulling them to submission with his "change" and "hope" and "reform." But I'm going to ask them when they get back whether he promised anything other than "change" and "we can do it" and "reform."

Perhaps as a reaction to my students, I have this strange desire to attend John McCain's meet and greet in Seattle tomorrow evening. Since Washington matters in the electoral process for the first time in years, the candidates are gracing us with their attendance. I don't support everything about McCain, but I do think it'd be pretty neat to see him. Whether you like him or not, he has made campaign finance reform, an issue that is very respectable, his life's goal. It's a tough issue and there are good and bad things that have come from it, but I respect the cause and I recognize that the man really has given his life in service to his country. I'd like to shake his hand, if just to say I did.

I don't know what a meet and greet is like...but I sure am in need of a bold conservative to give me confidence to show up tomorrow evening, even when I don't know what to expect, or will probably be under-dressed....or stand there and be scared to death...

But I'm looking for a bold conservative who will go with me to shake John McCain's hand so I can tell stories to my students later. hehe...and if I had enough guts...to ask him what his plans are for education (ie NCLB).


Unknown said...

I'd totally go! Unfortunately, I'm in the wrong state at the moment...