
By | 6:16 PM Leave a Comment
I'm was sick to my stomach about going back to school. I just wanted to stay at home another week. Staying at home is fun. I get to sleep in. I get to stay up late. I get to cook. I get to go out with friends. I get to do fun things like taking pictures, painting, and hiking. I get to read books. I get to sit on my porch. I get to explore the town.

But tomorrow break is over. School starts again.

I fully understand that I am lucky to even have the week...but I wish we could have fun an not have to work. It'd be nice to be independently wealthy...for many reasons.

Since I first posted this, I have recovered. I guess that's not surprising. I decided to lecture, with added clips and such. School isn't as bad when I know what I'm doing. I really got into my materials for tomorrow so now I feel better about school. I have Monday and Tuesday pretty much ready to go and Wed/Th mapped out in my head, but they will be more difficult to get ready. Anyway, I whine a lot because it's nerve-wracking to be so vulnerable to so many students a day, but at least now I'm excited because I'm excited about what I'm teaching. That's the nice thing. From here on out in Gov the material is more naturally engaging. In FWH it's not but it can be played with to be fun.

Reflection: I guess I'll be ok.