I must say, I love being a second year teacher. There is just nothing like it, so far. So much has happened in the last week and I can't even try to capture it. My classes are going splendidly, I've had up to 15 students from last year visit (more sending messages and posting things on my wall), and I actually know what I'm doing...which means...I DON'T LIVE AT THE SCHOOL ANYMORE!!! WHOHOO!! Last Wednesday I got home and had no idea what to do with myself. I didn't have work to do and my schedule is so wonderful that I can get most things done before school even ends...that means when I get home most days I can do whatever I want!!
About my classes:
My Freshmen...are adorable. I love them. They are so cute and sweet and so funny, but funny in a younger-kid sort of way. They giggle. AND! They follow directions. It's amazing. You should see these kids. I ask them to take out their homework and 10 seconds later, they all have their work on their desks. They all turn in homework. I ask for their attention and they stop talking! They're wonderful! We have been doing relatively boring (definitely repetitive) stuff but they've been angels.
My Seniors...are hilarious. They do not follow instructions as well. They are not so cute, although some of them are sweet. They are mostly funny. Both of my classes are very energetic this year. I had a few kids who could be problems at the beginning, but I think so far it's ok. I was told multiple times last week that I had a great lesson. Two students stayed after to try to ascertain my political leanings. They told me that Mr. Heftner told them that I was a good teacher. I laughed and said he had to say that. I said that I loved teaching and worked very hard. Leo said he could tell, and that made me smile. Unfortunately, my past students have not only passed on how much they like me...they have also passed on the *brrrr* call and Burd Poke Fridays...which, hopefully, my new students will forget about...because otherwise this could be a very looooong year.
All last week, and actually, this week...I've been on this crazy teaching high. I think the sleep and free time does me good. I feel happy and chipper all day long (well, stressed too at times, but when the kids enter, you should see me! I'm this excited, teaching-machine!). Last week we played Pictionary with vocab words (you try drawing "regime"!). Friday was an assembly...oh man...SO LOUD!! But, I did a dance with the teachers...we looked stupid, but the kids cheered so loud! I wanted to write a whole entry about our pep assemblies, but it's too late now and it would take a long entry.
Just picture this: The entire student body is decked out in red and gold (and I mean DECKED OUT!! AND I mean the ENTIRE student body). They cheer so loud that I could feel the inside of my ears vibrating and couldn't hear correctly for 3 hours afterwards. They move en-masse for the school cheer (it's incredible).
Today I tried a new thing: Globalization Theatre.
The Rules: Finish homework for today (35 pages of an article on Globalization). Get assigned group and topic. You get 1 poster paper, one packet of construction paper, and 25 minutes. You must create a poster with a title and illustration (only) of your topic and create a short skit that includes every member of your group and explains and expands upon your topic. One person must wear a costume (that's what the construction paper is for!). Let me just say, in 25 minutes awesome things can be created. It was chaotic, exciting, and very funny. AND....they learned! Whohoo!!

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
Blog Archive
- The Bonding is Occurring...
- Heh
- Seattle's Latte Land
- A Love/Hate Relationship
- Relapse
- Children
- Oh, and Castro wants YOU to join the Red, White an...
- The Good and the Bad
- As the clouds roll by...or rather, in
- Northwest Days
- Tougher
- He Said, She said and the need for more creative p...
- And thus the year commences
- Deep Down
sweet! i wish my kids always followed directions... i guess it would help if they could understand english... good to hear you not being super stressed out... at least for the moment. grace and peace.
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