I must say, I am in love with Mr. Clean. His Magic Eraser is seriously...amazing.
This week has been crazy. I drafted the two boys that live at my parents' house (Bobby and his friend Kev...Kev doesn't actually live there but his mom did offer to pay my mom child support since he lives at our house) to come help me lift and carry the big things. It's a little difficult to move a couch by myself. So I've been packing like crazy and trying to help my mom keep from stressing out over her Conference program. Yesterday I drove down to Portland to shuttle youth back and forth between George Fox and the PreCon site in Molalla. I drove a lot.
6:45 -- Wake up. Grumble. Pack overnight bag.
7:00-- Try to find food to eat. Get ready.
7:30 -- Leave my house and head to Auburn. Forget overnight bag. (Argh...)
8:00 -- Arrive Auburn, calm Mother who is tearing through stacks trying to make sure she has everything.
8:10 -- Leave Auburn and caravan with Madame President (that would be my mom) and the Beast (I'll have to get a picture...it's this enormous green monstrosity of a Chevy) down to George Fox.
11:30 -- Arrive Newberg. Greet friends. Squeal some.
Between 11:45 and 2:45 run back and forth all morning between dorm and car, dorm and Bruin's Den, dorm and Stevens, Stevens and Hoover, and continually answer my cell phone ringing off the hook with questions. Turns out we weren't as organized as we thought and since I was the only one there who knew anything about the campus, I got to answer the questions.
Between 11:45 and 2:45 run back and forth all morning between dorm and car, dorm and Bruin's Den, dorm and Stevens, Stevens and Hoover, and continually answer my cell phone ringing off the hook with questions. Turns out we weren't as organized as we thought and since I was the only one there who knew anything about the campus, I got to answer the questions.
2:30 -- Gave Amy a huge hug.
2:50 -- Went back to Coffin Hall (all the while cringing at the thought of having to tell people that you lived in Coffin...blech) to pick up youth.
2:50 - 3:30 -- Solve issues with vehicles...argh.
3:30 -- Leave for Molalla with a Californian, a Minnesotan, and a Wisconsinite in the back seat and a Georgian as my co-pilot. It was fun.
4:45 -- Finally make it to the camp...late...oh well.
5:00 -- Drove back to Fox with 2 cars in tow...picked up stray New Auburn, Wisconsin teen and drove until we found cell phone service and then stopped abruptly in the middle of the road because we were afraid it would cut out again if we kept moving. (There we are, 3 cars just stopped dead in the middle of this back road. I was telling Tarnah behind me why we stopped and Margie pulls up to see what's going on. And then, barreling down the road ahead of us is this huge delivery truck. Margie is in the other lane. I yell, "Car!" Margie does an amazing save and I am officially ready to be back at Fox. Finally directions are relayed via the stray cell phone signal and I return said-teen to the camp.
Needless to say I was happy to hang out with Newberg friends last night and had a wonderful time talking and then going to Shari's with Walker and talking over hot cocoa. It was great. This morning was a doozie...left Fox at 8:00 AM.
I came home and packed. Moved stuff. Packed more. Cut hair, and now I'm cleaning and trying to finish up the packing.
I couldn't clean any more because I'm tired and the fumes are getting to me. However, with all the cleaning and scrubbing I've done today I finally pulled out this Mr. Clean Magic Eraser...I was skeptical.
It.....was......amazing. Seriously. It cut my cleaning time in half. It is 1:00 AM and I'm on to clean the bathroom with my trusty eraser in hand. I needed a break.
Reflection: I love SDBs. I hate seat belts that dig into your neck after a full day in the car. I love Mr. Clean.
so what IS this mysterious eraser of yours? some kind of new age sorcery?
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