I would just like to say that after writing 2 newspapers back about SDBs and our upcoming Conference, I got up to make myself a nice cold drink and proceeded to stain myself and my counter. I walked into my kitchen (more like half-stumbled, bleary-eyed from the energy needed to revive my summer-vacation brain, heat, and lack of sleep) to make myself an Italian soda. After grabbing a glass out of the cupboard, I reached up above the sink to grab the Raspberry Syrup. As I grabbed the bottle, the handy white pump that I purchased last week and attached to the top of the Raspberry Syrup to create ease in dispensing the sweet goodness, smacked the top of the cabinet with a thump and I was almost immediately hit with a drippy, sticky mess.
I just stood there.
Once I realized what had happened, I growled. I grabbed a towel, wiped off my face, grabbed my glass indignantly and began pumping the raspberry syrup in. To emphasize my lack of fine motor skills, one pump ran shy of the glass, dispensing the beastly goo on my nice cream countertop. In a second I had wiped it up, only to see that a light red stain remained.
More growling.
Now I am writing about it because I thought it was blog-worthy. I am now going to attempt the third try at making my Italian soda without inconvenient interruption...and I'm going to go check the damage to my face...If it could stain my counter....

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About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
does this come with a happier version too? lol.
you should have photo documented the whole incident with your new awesome camera. especially your growling syrup covered face... priceless. :)
obviously there's only one solution for your problem... you need a trained monkey who can make italian sodas. then you won't even have to leave the comfort of your bed.
Just so you know...I was irritated as I was writing about it but when I finished I was laughing. It was pretty silly.
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