16 days and counting until my landlords leave (4 months after our agreement, 13 days longer than they told me in December). Much has happened in the last month. The strike has had lasting effects that are much harder to deal with later in the year than earlier. Tomorrow I have to start working again and I battled it all week. By this time I think I've come to terms with it.
I am so thankful to God for giving us snow days. I have been out of school two and a half weeks when we were supposed to only have a week and a half of break. Now, this will cause plenty of problems in time, but I'm not going to think about that just yet.
I got back Thursday from spending 5 days with friends down in Oregon. Mark and Amy always open up their house to us and make me feel so taken care of. It's incredible how healing it is to spend time with good friends. Travis and Eva-Lynn were in town, Pat and Kathy came to two parties (and hence I got to talk to talk with Kathy more than I have in a long time), and Lindsey stayed with Amy and Mark also until New Years. There was many a night conversation until 5 or 6 AM, laughter, movies, good food and fellowship. It was very worth it. November hit me like a steam train and since our snow makeup days are going to complicate things, I don't know when I'll get another break again so I'm glad I used these two weeks. I may find my life consumed by school for a few weeks until I can get caught up, but I think I can handle it now that I've seen friends.
We're all in different places and we're all learning to cope with building new friendships and support networks. We all struggle with different things. Some are learning to live together, others to learn to say no. I struggle to find my place in previous relationships that are being defined by marriages and families. It's difficult to do that on your own, but I know that God knows what I need and if I need it, He will provide it.
Here are some pictures from my trip down south!

Back to the grind! I hate saying goodbye to break....
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