Let me tell you about "the Stare." If there is one thing I'd like to avoid, it is "the stare." Every Friday after the completion of my classes, and after Natty has finally left my room (which she has turned into her own little work room every day after school), I--without fail--sit at my desk and stare.
I have tried to combat this involuntary reflex of the mind, but to no avail. I look around me, I stop, and I stare straight ahead. My mind furiously fights to take some kind of action...gather my things for the weekend, pick up my classroom, get the board set up for next week, grade something, but NOTHING WORKS! I would love to leave early on Fridays but once the end of the week comes it's as if my mind is completely overwhelmed with processing the week, thinking about what to do next week, and trying to decide what I need to take home this weekend to be prepared for the next week that the brain involuntarily shuts down from overload!
The result is "the Stare." I basically sit there staring for at least a minute, then i start fumbling around my desk trying to find something to do, five minutes later I get up from my desk and walk to the front of the room (forget what I went there for once I get there) and walk back. By that time I make a pile from everything that is on my desk, to deal with next week, and I shove everything that looks like I could possibly use it into a bag and walk out the door. Sometimes "the stare" and resulting confusion lasts until 3:30 or 4!
In any case, "the stare" makes it so that I am ineffective on a Friday. Thus, once I found myself doing it today I took time out of "the stare" to tell you about it. Maybe now I can gather my things with less confusion.
Now to find someone to come see Invisible Children with me tonight...gotta go.

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Bonjour & Welcome
About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
i would love to go :/
i think you need to learn the "care bear stare" and then you would at least be shooting hearts and stuff out of your stomach... that would make the "stare" worth it... right?
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