I don't have a lot of time, which is good. Thanks for the responses of support. There is no real solution to the problem, we just have to keep our spirits up throughout it.
Last night I was at school for hours and today it showed. My students, though, are so wonderful.
Here's the update. It was 5:00 when I got home today, but it was ok. School ends at 12:40 on Wednesdays. Today my colleagues and I gathered and hashed out what we're going to do about our Foundations course. We spent 4 1/2 hours reworking the curriculum. Even though the lessons might be finished in time for us to teach, we had to do something that keeps us teaching and that we feel like we understand enough to teach.
We took the lessons that were there, poured through them, and moved most of them around and took two, chopped up, and inserted them where they made better sense. We added assessments and skill builders that weren't there and even though it seemed like a waste of time to spend 4 hours doing that, I feel so much better about this unit.
We didn't get paid for those 4 hours. We could get in trouble because we're not teaching what they told us to...but...we defend ourselves by showing them that everything they're doing is still in our unit, it is just in a more understandable place for us, and many of the lessons are still the same lesson, just we have given it a context instead of being stand-alone. It took a lot of time, though, to make sure that all the countries and topics from their unit were addressed in ours. Pages and pages of charts and checked boxes.
Plus, just by reorganizing...I think it's gonna be some pretty fun and powerful stuff. Anyway, I won't bore you with the details...but they're going to finally THINK!! (and I get to do my salon with Jesus and Moses and Plato and Aristotle all chatting about life) AND OUR KIDS WILL BE PREPARED FOR THEIR ESSAY and they might actually engage in the material!!! (They might get mad since we changed around what they've done and haven't volunteered to work with others in the district to do it...but, we've given them free labor...)
Cool thing #2. Our first lesson in the next unit is Judaism. Oh man...you have no idea how great it is. I get to talk about Bible stories in school!!! Granted, we're learning about it in the context of monotheism, but their first lesson is on the Two Covenants! So Nate and Keith and I worked through that lesson today, as well. It was so great! Keith is not a Christian. Nate and I are. We sat there basically talking about what God is like and how the covenants worked. We talked Bible with Keith and got to explain things to him. It was just...I dunno, neat. Plus, that part I felt like I could contribute. With a lot of this stuff I feel so lame because I don't know the material so I can't help when it comes to what to teach in each lesson or where the connections should be made. I am the tech person, though. I find materials we need quicker than anyone, and I am the organizer and can help get us back on track and take copious notes (oh yeah...did I tell you that? One of the crappy lessons said, "Students will take out a sheet of paper. They will have the opportunity to take copious notes"). Plus, we have this lecture we're supposed to give on the covenants and it quotes Charleston Heston, "Let my people go!!" In less than a minute I had located that clip on the internet. We busted up laughing. Plus, Keith found a clip I will post after this. It's quite funny.
Reflection: Today was long...but not bad. We don't have school Friday. I'm getting excited about our Foundations re-write and the fact that I get to teach Judaism, Christianity, Athens and Sparta, and just...cool stuff. I'm excited that now we can work together without being so frustrated. AND! Since tomorrow I teach the same thing I did today and I know that I need a break from working...Abbie is in town from Portland and I'm going to go have dinner with her! So this is turning out to be an alright day! Tomorrow I can grade, Friday we don't have school and I can get ahead for the next unit...my long curriculum hours are over until next week. For this...I'm very thankful.
Plus, sidenote: I'm loving the song that always happens to be on the radio when I'm driving home from school, "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. Wait upon the Lord. We will wait upon the Lord, our God, who reigns forever. Our hope, our strong deliverer!" It actually really does encourage me. I remember, all this crap I go through with the district is just because I'm so concerned with teaching well. I really do want to serve my students. And when it comes down to it, even when I have a frustrating day and little sleep, those kids just bless me.

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Bonjour & Welcome
About Me
- Ginny
- Renton, WA, United States
- I am a thinker and a learner. I love God deeply though I am still learning to get my strength from Him. I am a teacher and as I learn to love my students more they show me both respect and ways that I am weak. This year is a year where I am learning the meaning of "where I am weak, He is strong."
i think you secretly like being a rebel and enjoy throwing superior teaching lessons into the face of the district. :)
good work, agent Jee (G).
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