A Small Survey

By | 8:11 PM 2 comments

Ok Camille, here you go.

1. What do you think of the most when you are alone?
It depends on when it is. Usually anymore if I'm alone I just don't think. I keep busy. I think about what I want to make for dinner. I think about what to do for class tomorrow. I think about what it would be like to travel and to get lost in a book for real, like...to live the story. Sometimes I think about having a family or just having people around to enjoy and do things with. But most of the time, thinking is trouble.

2. When it is a rainy night, what do you do most of the time?
I read! I get a cup of cocoa or a pot of tea, wrap up in a blanket, turn on some choral music, and get lost in a book!

3. When you go on a date, what do you like to do?
I have maybe been on 3 dates in my entire life. If I ever got to go on a date, I would just like to have dinner and then explore someplace new.

4. What do you do when you see a full moon?
I grin, pause what I'm doing and sit there gazing at it, feeling peaceful

5. Would you rather swim in the lake or dive in the ocean?
I don't know...I like lakes. The ocean is fun...but not as relaxing as a lake and at this time in my life I'd rather be relaxed than crazy.

6. What would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee?
The Economist...so sad and nerdy. One day last year I got a copy of The Economist, went to Starbucks, and read the Economist with a caramel macchiato in a 'for here' cup. It was awesome and so realxing. Today I went to Starbucks to do just that. But, I had left my Economist at school so instead I drank coffee and read my textbook on China. I must say, the Economist was more relaxing.

7. If you’ll ask yourself a question now, what would it be?
Why, when you have 4 days to get ahead so that you don't have to work hard for the next week...why did you do hardly anything for 3 of those 4 days?

8. If certain things in your life will fall apart, what will you do?
Well, I guess I'll just "keep on keepin' on." I can be pretty tough when I need to be and when I can't be, I try to find comfort in those I love, like family and friends. I would probably be very hurt inside and grieve whatever it is, but I would try to keep perspective...that in this life there will be troubles. The Lord always provides, always. Even when things fall apart, he knows that pain and he loves through the pain.

9. What was the hardest decision you made in your life so far?
I don't know...I never really feel like I make decisions...I just do what comes. It's more like I just don't say no...I never feel like I make a decision to do something, but I make decisions to do nothing about things...that's confusing. But, I think it'd probably be to come back to Washington and take the job in Bellevue when I knew the mental and emotional challenges that the whole situation would present. The job was going to be hard and I felt like I lost my support network. In a way...it was a blessing that Camille came back from Indonesia.

Hmm...I don't feel like that elicited any joyful responses...I need a new survey. Maybe I'll make my own...


Unknown said...

i think you hardly did anything for 3 days because your personal satisfaction can't be completely judged by the number of hours you work.

i know, i know, you do have a lot of work to do and there's never enough time in the day to finish. but still! i'm proud of the times when you cut yourself a break.

Unknown said...

If you ever figure out the answer to your question in #7, let me know. ;)